Try Tatar ‘kystyby’ with mashed potatoes, aka Mexican tortillas (RECIPE)

Put a Russian twist on classic flatbreads!

Put a Russian twist on classic flatbreads!

Legion Media
Whether you enjoy flatbread ‘kystyby’ as a hot and satisfying main course or a quick snack on the go, it’s a must-try in Tatar cuisine. 

Kystyby consists of lean flatbreads, or tortillas, generously stuffed with either the comforting millet milk porridge (the most traditional filling) or creamy mashed potatoes, all lavishly drenched in a luscious layer of butter. 

Long ago, women in Tatarstan (a region about 700 km east of Moscow) prepared kystyby with love and care for special occasions, lavishing this delicious treat on their guests during festive events and holidays. However, they also served it as an every-day, nourishing lunch for hard working husbands who toiled in the fields. 

Today, in our fast-paced modern world, the preparation of kystyby has evolved somewhat. Traditional methods are still cherished, but practicality has given rise to new approaches. Housewives now have the option of using purchased, ready-made lavash (or tortillas) to make the process quicker. However, a homemade kystyby is preferable. 

One of kystyby’s most fascinating aspects is its versatility. This dish isn’t limited to a single time of the day. You can serve it as either a hearty lunch or dinner option, steaming hot; or you can serve it at breakfast, accompanied by a warm cup of sweet tea. 

Also, you can vary the fillings or use leftovers from dinner, such as porridge or mashed potatoes. Today, I suggest we cook kystyby with mashed potatoes and onions. It has a tender taste with a hint of caramelized onions.

Ingredients for 10-12 flatbreads:

For the dough:

  • Flour - 280 g 
  • Warm milk - 100 ml 
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Butter (melted)- 50 g 
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp 
  • A pinch of salt 

For the filling:

  • Potatoes - 500 g 
  • Onion – 1 piece 
  • Milk - 100 ml 
  • Butter – 1.5 tbsps 
  • Salt - to taste


1. Let’s start with preparing the dough. In a deep bowl, mix the warm milk, sugar, salt, egg, and melted butter. 

2. In a separate bowl, sift the flour. Gradually add the sifted flour to the egg-milk mixture, kneading the dough until it no longer sticks to your hands. You may need approximately 250 g of flour for this step. 

3. Cover the dough with a towel and let it sit for 30 minutes to allow it to relax and become more manageable.

4. While the dough is resting, wash the potatoes, peel them, and cut them into large pieces. Boil the potato pieces in salted water until they are tender. Drain the water and mash the potatoes into a smooth consistency. Add hot milk and 1 tablespoon of butter to the mashed potatoes. Mix thoroughly to create a creamy potato mixture. Season with salt to taste. 

5. Wash the onion, peel it, and finely dice it.

6. In a frying pan, heat 0.5 tablespoons of butter over low heat. Fry the diced onion until it becomes transparent and slightly caramelized.

7. Add the onion to the mashed potatoes and mix it. This adds a delightful savory flavor to the filling.

8. Place the dough on a lightly floured surface. Roll it into a thick sausage shape, and then cut it into 10-12 equal-sized pieces. Roll out each dough piece with a rolling pin into a thin, circular flatbread with a diameter of about 15 cm.

9. In a dry, preheated frying pan, cook each flatbread for 1-2 minutes on each side until it becomes lightly golden and slightly puffed.

10. While the flatbreads are still hot, place a generous portion of the prepared potato-onion filling on one-half of each flatbread. Fold the other half of the kystyby over the filling to create a half-moon shape.

11. Just before serving, generously brush the top of each kystyby with melted butter. This step adds a luxurious touch to the dish. Enjoy!

READ MORE: Echpochmak: Fast food from Tatar nomads (RECIPE)

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