Designers reimagine the Russian metro train of the future (PICS+VIDEO)

Art. Lebedev Studio
Convertible seats, videos projected on windows, and useful gadgets onboard – we present a futuristic train created by Moscow designers

Designers from Art. Lebedev Studio have created a new look for a 21st century underground train. To give it a more elegant look they propose installing panoramic windows and LED lights in the train’s front and rear.

Another innovation is the introduction of folding convertible seats, which will create more free space onboard.

In addition, train cars will have special terminals installed to allow passengers to buy travel cards onboard or have access to other services, for example, paying their utility bills.

Also, designers propose projecting videos onto train windows since, they argue, underground tunnels offer an ideal black background for this.

So far, however, this futuristic sci-fi train exists only on paper.

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